Our Community Planning Area encompasses Crest, Dehesa, Harbison Canyon and Granite Hills. The role of all Planning Groups in advising the County of San Diego is outlined in the county's "I-1" policy. Below are excerpts from that policy, and the current Community Plan, describing how the Planning Group can work to improve our community.
- Advising the county in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and sub-regional plans (I-1 policy, p. 1)
- Planning and land use matters not requiring County approval may be discussed, followed by advising the county. (I-1 policy, pp. 1-2)
- May provide a public forum for the discussion of planning issues important to the community. (I-1 policy, p. 8)
- May sponsor a community conference to identify community needs, aspirations and issues. (I-1 policy, p. 9)
- Shall conduct a community meeting to discuss the draft community plan. (I-1 policy, p. 10)
- May make recommendations on proposed privately and publicly initiated planning and land use projects. (I-1 policy, p. 13)
- Shall advise on the implementation of the community plan. (I-1 policy, p. 12)
- Shall review the community plan at least once annually. (Crest/Dehesa/Harbison Canyon/Granite Hills Community Plan, p. 3).
Planning Group powers, authority and responsibilities: Excepts from source documents
Note: The following section contains direct quotes from the county's I-1 policy and the current community plan concerning actions Planning Groups (1) may, and (2) are required, to take. The plain English reading of the policy makes clear Planning Groups are explicitly authorized to affirmatively take steps in these areas culminating with making recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and other entities within county government. This includes the explicit authorization to discuss planning and land use matters that do not require County of San Diego approval. Actions the Planning Group can take are described in the policy using the term "may," while requirements are described with "shall." Emphasis is added for the purpose of clarity.
Note: The following section contains direct quotes from the county's I-1 policy and the current community plan concerning actions Planning Groups (1) may, and (2) are required, to take. The plain English reading of the policy makes clear Planning Groups are explicitly authorized to affirmatively take steps in these areas culminating with making recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and other entities within county government. This includes the explicit authorization to discuss planning and land use matters that do not require County of San Diego approval. Actions the Planning Group can take are described in the policy using the term "may," while requirements are described with "shall." Emphasis is added for the purpose of clarity.
Planning (and Sponsor) Groups are established by the County of San Diego for two primary purposes: to advise in the updating of the county's general plan; and reviewing discretionary regulatory projects. (I-1 policy, p. 1)
"Representative planning groups and sponsor groups [are] formed in the communities and subregions of the unincorporated area for the purpose of advising and assisting the Director of Planning & Development Services, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and subregional plans." (I-1 policy, p.1, emphasis added)
"Because planning and sponsor groups exist to advise the County, a planning and land use matter that does not require County of San Diego approval MAY be discussed if properly noticed, but the only action that the group may take is an action to advise the County of the group’s perspective on the issue." (I-1 policy, pp. 1-2, empahsis added).
"The group will not endorse, take action on, or support any political activity (e.g. the support of any candidate for office). The group may, however, provide a public forum for the discussion of planning issues which are important to their community. " (I-1 policy, p. 8, emphasis added).
"During the preparation or update of a community or subregional plan, the role of the planning or sponsor group is to advise and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors on the proposed community or subregional plans. The group shall be assisted by County staff in preparing the community or subregional plan and related documents pursuant to this Policy." (I-1 policy, p. 9, emphasis added)
"A community conference may be sponsored by the planning or sponsor group to identify community needs, aspirations and issues." (I-9 policy, p. 9).
"The planning or sponsor group shall review and revise the staff prepared goals and policies with staff assistance and approve a draft set of goals and policies for publication. Any conflicts between the preliminary goals and existing County policy or planning principles will be resolved at this time. The draft goals and policies shall be well publicized throughout the community and the group shall hold an open community meeting to discuss the draft. Subsequent to the meeting, acceptance of the final draft goals and policies will be by a majority vote of the authorized group membership." (I-9 policy, p. 10, emphasis added)
"Implementation of the Plan should be monitored on a periodic basis by the County and the Community Planning/Sponsor Group for progress towards its implementation. For compliance with State law, the Plan SHALL be reviewed no less than once annually so that its implementation status may be included in the County’s Annual General Plan Report to the State. The annual review provides the opportunity for the Plan to be updated and amended, as appropriate, to reflect changes in the community vision, conditions or attitudes." (Crest/Dehesa/Harbison Canyon/Granite Hills Community Plan, p. 3, emphasis added)
"The planning or sponsor group SHALL advise the Director of Planning & Development Services, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in the implementation of the adopted community or subregional plan. In carrying out this responsibility, the group shall advise on development proposals, rezones, general plan amendments, and similar matters which would impact their planning area. Planning and sponsor group comments on these proposals are strictly advisory. Group recommendations must be in writing, and must represent a majority of the planning or sponsor group's authorized membership. Minority opinions may be provided, and shall be accompanied by a statement identifying what portion of the group endorses the statement." (I-1 policy, p. 12, emphasis added)
"The planning or sponsor group may make recommendations on proposed publicly initiated planning and land use projects based on their consistency with the adopted community or subregional plan....The planning and sponsor groups may make recommendations on proposed privately initiated planning and land use projects based on their consistency with the adopted community or subregional plan." (I-1 policy, p. 13).
Download the County of San Diego's I-1 Policy
"Representative planning groups and sponsor groups [are] formed in the communities and subregions of the unincorporated area for the purpose of advising and assisting the Director of Planning & Development Services, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and subregional plans." (I-1 policy, p.1, emphasis added)
"Because planning and sponsor groups exist to advise the County, a planning and land use matter that does not require County of San Diego approval MAY be discussed if properly noticed, but the only action that the group may take is an action to advise the County of the group’s perspective on the issue." (I-1 policy, pp. 1-2, empahsis added).
"The group will not endorse, take action on, or support any political activity (e.g. the support of any candidate for office). The group may, however, provide a public forum for the discussion of planning issues which are important to their community. " (I-1 policy, p. 8, emphasis added).
"During the preparation or update of a community or subregional plan, the role of the planning or sponsor group is to advise and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors on the proposed community or subregional plans. The group shall be assisted by County staff in preparing the community or subregional plan and related documents pursuant to this Policy." (I-1 policy, p. 9, emphasis added)
"A community conference may be sponsored by the planning or sponsor group to identify community needs, aspirations and issues." (I-9 policy, p. 9).
"The planning or sponsor group shall review and revise the staff prepared goals and policies with staff assistance and approve a draft set of goals and policies for publication. Any conflicts between the preliminary goals and existing County policy or planning principles will be resolved at this time. The draft goals and policies shall be well publicized throughout the community and the group shall hold an open community meeting to discuss the draft. Subsequent to the meeting, acceptance of the final draft goals and policies will be by a majority vote of the authorized group membership." (I-9 policy, p. 10, emphasis added)
"Implementation of the Plan should be monitored on a periodic basis by the County and the Community Planning/Sponsor Group for progress towards its implementation. For compliance with State law, the Plan SHALL be reviewed no less than once annually so that its implementation status may be included in the County’s Annual General Plan Report to the State. The annual review provides the opportunity for the Plan to be updated and amended, as appropriate, to reflect changes in the community vision, conditions or attitudes." (Crest/Dehesa/Harbison Canyon/Granite Hills Community Plan, p. 3, emphasis added)
"The planning or sponsor group SHALL advise the Director of Planning & Development Services, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors in the implementation of the adopted community or subregional plan. In carrying out this responsibility, the group shall advise on development proposals, rezones, general plan amendments, and similar matters which would impact their planning area. Planning and sponsor group comments on these proposals are strictly advisory. Group recommendations must be in writing, and must represent a majority of the planning or sponsor group's authorized membership. Minority opinions may be provided, and shall be accompanied by a statement identifying what portion of the group endorses the statement." (I-1 policy, p. 12, emphasis added)
"The planning or sponsor group may make recommendations on proposed publicly initiated planning and land use projects based on their consistency with the adopted community or subregional plan....The planning and sponsor groups may make recommendations on proposed privately initiated planning and land use projects based on their consistency with the adopted community or subregional plan." (I-1 policy, p. 13).
Download the County of San Diego's I-1 Policy
Crest/Dehesa/Harbison Canyon/Granite Hills Community Plan
Our Community Plan was last adopted in 2011. Its revision is tied to the regular updating of the County of San Diego's General Plan.
The topics within the current plan include: LAND USE
Download the current Crest/Dehesa/Harbison Canyon/Granite Hills Community Plan |